Sacrifice a coffee

Giving up something to help others has been a feature of Irish life for centuries. "Small sacrifices come from a big heart" as the proverb says. A coffee, a pint, a bag of sweets, what we sacrifice doesn't matter.

Your coffee sacrifice will go towards funding Youth Suicide Prevention Ireland's youth mental health awareness and suicide prevention programmes in schools and colleges across Ireland and vital crisis support to young people who are most at risk.

It's amazing how much charities can achieve with just a little help

Coffee Sacrifice was setup in 2015 as a fundraiser by Youth Suicide Prevention Ireland CRN20070670. It has been so successful that we have been requested many times to open the idea up to online donations, so here we are. This year Coffee Sacrifices can be made by selecting an amount from the buttons above and making your coffee sacrifice.

For full terms and conditions including our privacy policy click HERE.  Our charity registration is 20070670 and can be verified with the Irish Charity Regulator  We are a tax-exempt charitable trust approved by the Irish Revenue Commissioners under charity number CHY18438 and the charity is also an approved body under the Charities Donation Scheme. Our registered office details are: Youth Suicide Prevention Ireland, 83A New Street, Killarney, Co Kerry V93 W3KT. Our contact details are 1800 828 888  Our office hours are Monday to Friday 10am to 5pm.